The show is organised by the Henley and District Agricultural Association, a local charity supporting other agriculturally related organisations. This year’s show is on Saturday 14th September at the Henley Showground, nr Hambleden, Henley on Thames, RG9 3AS.
The Show is open to the public between 8.30 am and the 5.30 pm.
Tickets can be purchased onlineon our website and on the gate on the day. All tickets are nonrefundable.
There is a free shuttle bus to and from the Show running from Boots in Henley and Platts in Marlow. There is no timetable as journeys are dependent on traffic flow.
Well behaved dogs are welcome to the Show. However, if they are brought to the Show they should be kept on fixed leads at all times and are not permitted into the livestock lines or food areas. Please do not leave dogs in vehicles. All ‘banned breeds’ are not permitted on the showground. There is a fun dog show, entry on the day. The schedule is in our FORMS area.
Toilets are situated all over the showground and are easily accessible.
Please help to keep the showground tidy by disposing of your rubbish in the general waste and recycling bins located around the site.
Car parking is free. There is forward parking available for blue badge holders in the Public Car Park.
Should you wish to leave the showground and return you will have your hand stamped. No hand stamp, no re-entry without payment.
Visitors are asked to use the hand sanitising facilities in the livestock area after contact with our animals.
We have a medical team onsite with an ambulance and a rapid response vehicle.
Lost property and lost children will be brought to the Secretary’s tent.